flexible board
Exercise Device
difficult asanas meditation in asana loads in asanas
Loads in asanas
The loads on ordinary exercise device is determined by value of dead weights.
When one perfomes yoga execersise the loads are not so obvious,
but to succeed in yoga asanas one should realise the amount of these loads.
Asanas with rest on body's parts:

Let's analyze for example hill pose (ardho mukho svasana)

Loads in hill pose (ardho mukho svasana)

In final stage of asana a load that falls on arms, on wrists and shoulders is equal half of weight of the body.
For example if your weight is equal 80 kg than load is equal 40 kg. When asana performs statically for example 2-3 minutes that amount of load is close to critical level and to reach meditative state is posible only for very strong man the others will feel constantly incresing discomfort. In order to reach meditative state one has to reduce the load falling on arms. One may perform this with the support of flexible board.

Asanas with stretching:

There are loads such as moments of force that appear in asanas with stretching:

Loads in splits

A critical obstacle to perform splits is moment of force acting on perinium's muscles when angle between legs less than 180 degrees. If hips do not touch a floor or ground then moment of force = weight of body * leg's length (because weight of body is supported only by feet), for example under weight of 80 kg and leg's length 1m = 800 n*m is very large damaging value. That moment of force is exceed critical level. When splits performs on flexible board the moment of force that stretching perinium's muscles is considerably reduced (because practically all body's weight falls on hips and not on feet). When asana performs by master of yoga one may clearly see that body's weight falls mostly on hips too. That's why master reach meditative state of mind and the begginer does not.

Physical loads acting on body in yoga asanas:

Physical loads in yoga asanas are deternimed by body's weight, body's parts weight (legs, arms, head) and space configuration of body and its parts (pose). Roughly physical loads can be divided into 3 categories:

  1. forces acting on body and its parts (for example body's weight falling on hands, arms and shoulders in hill pose or body's weight acting on head and neck in headstand);
  2. moments of forces acting on some ligaments (for example stretching perinium's muscles in splits);
  3. pressure (pressure= force/square) acting on separate region of body (where body touchs the ground). Pressure's value has influence on convenience's feeling.

When some forces, moments of forces or pressure exceed some critical level (on that period of time) discomfort erises and higher state of mind does not appear, because conscious rests in these parts where discomfort or pain is located. Supporting of flexible board is capable to reduce these loads to normal level and allows normal preformance of asana.


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