flexible board
Exercise Device
difficult asanas meditation in asana loads in asanas
performance of difficult asanas
kourmasana vrikshasana мулабандхасана (поза сдавливания промежности)splitsмаюрасана (поза павлина)падмасана
Difficult asanas in the initial stage is a source of injures for the beginners and bring more damages than benefits.
Obstacles for performance of such asanas are:
  • A range of stretching does not allow to reach ideal form of asana (for example splits or lotus poses);
  • force that is acting on single part of the body exceeds critical level (for example weight of body acting on the neck in headstand);
  • moment of force (moment of force = force*length) acting on single ligaments of the body exceeds critical level, (stretching of perineum muscles in splits poses);
    Because of these obstacles the beginners are not able to reach a state of mind that asana gives.
    The beginners are able to perform and reach a state of mind only in very limited number of simple asanas.

For such asanas like padmasana (lotus pose), sirshasana (headstand), chacrasana (wheel pose) it is required to find a keys. If such keys are found than progress in yoga accelerates.

With exercise device flexible board for asanas present on this site one can find keys how to reach a form of body in asana and higher state of mind.

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